Tē Puna Reo

Te Reo Māori i ngā wā katoa. Tamariki must go on to Kura Kaupapa Māori from Puna Reo so their learning journey is consistent with our kaupapa. Added to this is the knowledge we are building more Reo Māori speakers.

Nau Mai Haere Mai ki Te Puna Reo o Te Kōhao

Welcome to Te Puna Reo o Te Kōhao. We are a new whare Puna Reo, we opened on 5th July 2017 by Te Makau Ariki, Atawhai. Our staff are all Te Reo Māori speakers. We are a total immersion Puna, speaking only Te Reo Māori. We expect that all whanau entering the Puna Reo to speak Te Reo Māori as well.

Kaupapa – Our Philosophy

Ko te kaupapa nui o Te Puna Reo o Te Kōhao, he whakawhānaunga, he whakamārama me te whakamana i te whanau kia eke ki te taumata e hiahia ai. Ko ngā uara Māori me Whānau Ora te tāhūhū. Our philosophy is to engage, enlighten and empower whanau to achieve their aspirations. This is based on Māori values and Whānau Ora.

Kitenga Whānui – Our Vision

Kia whakatinanatia te ihi, te wehi, te wana, te tino rangatiratanga me te oranga o te whānau.

  • We Want Our Tamariki To

    >Be immersed in te reo Māori

    >Have an understanding and able to participate in ngā tikanga Māori

    >Foster Manaakitanga – respectful relationships

    >Forster Tuakana/teina relationships where they can care for each other

    >Tū tangata – be able to stand confidently

    >Have pride in who they are – know their identity

    >Have respect for the environment – including regular visits to the forest/bush and gardening

  • Our Teaching Practice Will Reflect

    >Tikanga Māori – whānaungatanga, manaakitanga, wairuatanga me aroha

    >A well resourced centre using natural and recycled products where possible that create early

    >learning experiences in Maths, Arts, Science, cooperation and literacy

    >Positive interactions with mokopuna and whanau

    >Capturing and enjoying the teachable moments but also allowing the mokopuna to determine

    >their own learning

    >Child-initiated learning

    >Resourceful Kaiako

    >Building on strengths of the mokopuna

    >Kaupapa based planning

  • Ngā Uaratanga – Our Values

    Ko Te Tamaiti te Pūtake – tamariki are our kaupapa

    Manaakitanga – aroha, respect, support, wairuatanga

    Kotahitanga – working together, whānaungatanga

    Tino Rangatiratanga – leadership, autonomy, self-management, collaboration

    Kia tika kia pono – accountability, honesty, integrity, professionalism

Service info

  • To enrol your tamariki call or email our center for an enrolment pack

    07 853 0065


  • From 4 April 2022 Our fees are:

    3-5 year olds - 20 hours ECE – Free.

    8:45am to 4:00pm

    School Hours:

    $57.00 per week for

    the school day – 9am

    to 3pm.

    Extra hours (Full Day):

    (inc Early/Late Stay)

    $5.70 per hour to a

    maximum of $156.75

    per week for full-time


    WINZ Childcare Subsidy

    Some whanau are entitled to a childcare subsidy, which will help pay their fees. Make an appointment

    with WINZ as soon as you can, preferably before you start at Te Puna Reo to see if you are entitled to a

    subsidy. WINZ will provide you with a form to complete and part of the form must be signed by the

    Tumuaki or Receptionist.

  • Rāhina - Monday - 7:45am - 5:15pm

    Rātū - Tuesday - 7:45am - 5:15pm

    Rāapa - Wednesday - 7:45am - 5:15pm

    Rāpare - Thursday - 7:45am - 5:15pm

    Rāmere - Friday - 7:45am - 5:15pm

    Rāhoroi - Saturday - Closed

    Rātapu - Sunday - Closed

    Public Holidays

    Hours may vary during Public Holidays

  • Tē Puna Reo

    60-62 Tennyson Road, Enderley

    07 853 0065
