Kaumatua and Kuia Program
A service that aims to enhance positive, social and functional activities for Kaumātua living within Hamilton City through mentally and socially stimulating programs. Individual health plans are key components of this service.
Service Info
A referral can be made to Whānau Ora by anyone including self referrals
A comprehensive assessment will help identify the strengths and needs of your Whānau
Whānau action plan will be written together with you and your Whānau to identify what it would take to make your Whānau successful
A navigator will be assigned to support your Whānau to implement your Whānau plan and monitor progress towards achieving your outcomes
This is a publicly funded service for those who meet the eligibility criteria, please feel free to speak to one of our team members to check if you are eligible
Rāhina - Monday - 8:30am - 5:00pm
Rātū - Tuesday - 8:30am - 5:00pm
Rāapa - Wednesday - 8:30am - 5:00pm
Rāpare - Thursday - 8:30am - 5:00pm
Rāmere - Friday - 8:30am - 5:00pm
Rāhoroi - Saturday - Closed
Rātapu - Sunday - Closed
Kirikiriroa Marae, 951 Wairere Dr
PO Box 7107, Kirikiriroa
Call: 07 856 5479 or 0800 483 564
Fax: 07 856 5938
What we provide
A Marae based programme
A forum to discuss any topic that may be of interest to you
Education and Promotion of specific Health topics
Socialisation programme
Individual health plans
Transport to and from the programme
Create networks for use in the community
Advocacy services
Network with other Kaumātua providers
Exercise programs
Deliver information in a way that our Whānau can understand it
The opportunity to learn about the Tainui people and the Kingitanga
Contact us if you
Are aged 55 years or over
Live alone
Are home alone while your Whānau are at work
Would like to enhance your weekly social activities