Ngā Puna Kōhungahunga
This Early Learning Centre is for Whānau living in the Insoll, Enderley and Clarkin/Fairfield communities
Nau Mai Haere Mai ki Te Kōhao Kōhungahunga
Welcome to Te Kohao Kohungahunga. Our whare, named Nga Rau Atawhai was opened on the 12th Feburary 2015 by Kingi Tuheiti. Our staff are all fluent in Te Reo Maori, and most of our resources such as books are in Te Reo Maori. We strive to influence and educate Tamariki through Te Reo Maori me nga Tikanga through interactions, activities, karakia and waiata. We have three rooms which accommodate Tuakana 2.5-3yrs, Teina 18-36 months, and Pepi 0-18 months.
If you are interested feel free to drop in for a chat and a quick tour of our whare.
Kaupapa – Our Philosophy
Ko te kaupapa nui o Te Kōhao Kōhungahunga, he whakawhānaunga, he whakamārama me te whakamana i te whānau kia eke ki te taumata e hiahia ai. Ko ngā uara māori me Whānau Ora te tāhūhū. Our philosophy is to engage, enlighten and empower whānau to achieve their aspirations. This is based on māori values and Whānau Ora.
Kitenga Whānui – Our Vision
Whakatinanatia ko te ihi, ko te wehi, ko te wana me te hauoranga ō te whānau Living our Tino Rangatiratanga through strong, healthy, vibrant and prosperous whānau.