Improving Whānau Health and wellbeing where they Live, Learn, Work & Play
ePānui - 22/04/2024
Māra Kai - Collaborative effort between Healthy Families Te Ngira & Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki
Event Date: 28/03/2024
On Thursday 28th of March, Ryleigh Hayes (Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki Systems Innovator) and Whitu-Waiariki Ake (Rautaki Māori) attended a meeting with kaimahi from Coromandel Independent Living Trust (CILT). We discussed collaborating with them to contribute to their ambition of creating a community māra kai based out of their new base of operations, Te Pūtahi Whaiora. CILT is a progressive charitable organisation that collaboratively serves the community in the sectors of disability, housing, and education. Established in 1994, its initial purpose was to provide services specifically for the disability sector. Despite further expansion, the essential aspects of CILT remain unchanged.
The meeting began with a whanaungatanga session, which transitioned seamlessly into our hui, when Hayes and Ake discussed some of the initiatives that Healthy Families Te Ngira in conjunction with Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki, have led in the past. Furthermore, Hayes and Ake highlighted some of the initiatives that they’re currently leading, as well as some of the initiatives that the Healthy Families Te Ngira whānau have previously done.
Some of the initiatives Ake highlighted on behalf of Healthy Families Te Ngira were the kaupapa surrounding the maramataka. Te Mauri, a daily horoscope centred around the maramataka that the previous Rautaki Māori (Manaia Johns) implemented. He integrated Te Mauri with local police to help local authorities understand and determine which crimes were being committed, when those crimes were being committed, and the severity of the crimes being committed. Ake also shed light on the important work that Healthy Families Te Ngira has been involved in regarding the kai sovereignty and kai security space, in partnership with Kāinga Ora.
One of the initiatives that Hayes highlighted was the Move It Mahuru initiative. This was set up to motivate sedentary kaimahi to be more active and to motivate whānau to be more active. This initiative is integral as it encourages whānau of all ages and kaimahi to be accountable for their health, especially ensuring that kaimahi practice what they preach by participating in numerous health challenges and creating an environment that keeps everyone moving and staying active.
The purpose of the meeting was not only to discuss some of the extraordinary kaupapa that each organisation has spearheaded; it was also an opportunity for both Ake and Hayes to consult and gain advice with CILT around their kai security and kai sovereignty spaces. This is because Healthy Families Te Ngira are excited to explore avenues for which they can implement initiatives surrounding the kai security and kai sovereignty spaces.
The kaimahi that Hayes and Ake met with talked about the partnership between CILT and Coromandel Budget Advisory Service to facilitate the Coromandel Foodbank, which assists those in their community who are experiencing financial hardship. The kaimahi from CILT discussed that the Coromandel has established a community māra kai to create independent sustenance for whānau. However, they also discussed some of the challenges they’ve faced with their māra kai initiative, such as issues surrounding security, maintenance, and current ownership of the community māra kai. Despite this, they’re working extremely hard to address these challenges with the possibility of bringing the community māra kai under their umbrella. How they’re combating these challenges is by creating a māra kai at their headquarters. Te Pūtahi Whaiora are able to open the māra to the community during business hours to not only better monitor, secure, and maintain their māra kai, but also to expand it so that it can grow several different vegetables and fruits. With the potential to bring the current community māra under the umbrella of CILT, discussions have been made to utilise this space for lower maintenance kai.
During the hui, Hayes and Ake were taken on a tour of their facilities, including their on-site māra kai, where they observed the scope of their ambition. The ambition for CILT is for the community māra kai to contribute to the sourcing of their foodbank initiative. Hayes and Ake were extremely pleased with their visit and hui with CILT; furthermore, they both shared their enthusiasm to contribute meaningfully to this initiative, representing Healthy Families Te Ngira.
In essence, the hui provided an opportunity to exchange expertise, identify connections, and establish the foundation for collaborative efforts targeted at promoting community health and resilience. This meeting between Healthy Families Te Ngira and Coromandel Independent Living Trust was a productive step towards fostering collaboration between organisations with aligned objectives.
Ko ngā whetū ki te rangi, ko Marutūahu Kōwhao Rau ki te whenua, e tiraha mai nei ko Mātai Whetū kia titiwha ai ko Te Rama o Hauraki, e whakawātea mai ko te ara tapu ki Kōpūārahi, Pare Hauraki, Pare Waikato ko ngā whakamānawatanga o Te Kōhao o Te Ngira e whakaehu nei ki a koutou. Kua kī te kete mātauranga, kua nanea te puku ki ngā akoranga kua wānanga tahi ai tātou. Nō reira, kei ngā ihorei, kei ngā amokāpua o CILT e nanaiore ana kia kakari i ngā taumahatanga e tāmi nei te iwi Māori tēnā rā koutou katoa.