Kia whakatinanatia te ihi, te wehi, te wana, te tino rangatiratanga me te oranga o te whānau.
Te Kōhao Health provides an array of services that empower whānau to be:
Living healthy lifestyles
Participating fully in society
Participating in Te Ao Māori
Economically secure and are successfully involved in wealth creation
Cohesive, resilient and nurturing
A referral can be made to Whānau Ora by anyone including self referrals
A comprehensive assessment will help identify the strengths and needs of your Whānau
Whānau action plan will be written together with you and your Whānau to identify what it would take to make your Whānau successful
A navigator will be assigned to support your Whānau to implement your Whānau plan and monitor progress towards achieving your outcomes
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